Are You ALL IN with Selfie Dad?

The SELFIE DAD movie is a light-hearted family film about one dad shaking off a mid-life crisis and reconnecting with his family... with his Bible in one hand, and his phone in the other.

But when we first meet Ben Marcus (AKA SELFIE DAD), on the outside it seems he has a pretty good life. In truth, Ben is struggling to find happiness and contentment. There is a hole he needs to fill.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe you’re in the same place as Ben in your life. In the movie, Ben tries to fill that hole by chasing dreams he once had as a younger man. Guess what? He finds success and the spotlight he dreamed of and that seems to bring him joy for a season.

But then Ben re-discovers his faith, and he is faced with a decision: Continue seeking ways to fill a hole that just won’t stay full . . . or going ALL IN to be the man God created him to be, going ALL IN to lose his life because he has found what matters most – Jesus.

Just as Ben decides to do it in the SELFIE DAD movie, we invite you to go ALL-IN. Follow these steps to go ALL IN for your family and for your faith and spread the word about SELFIE DAD!

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.” - Matthew 15:25 CSB


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